Managing Know-How as an asset for business growth.
07 April 2017

New technologies, people's visions and the integration of socio-cultural aspects are key drivers to international business growth not necessarily linked to large size companies. Today Small and Midsize Enterprises represent a powerful force of change in global business development from many perspectives.

This has surfaced during the workshop "Business growth through leveraging on new technologies and know-how" held today as part of the University of Pisa International MBA. The master has reached the 8th edition and it features 34 participants representing twenty different nationalities with a very high level of multifaceted diversity.  Industry 4.0 concepts and practices; innovation focus developed through organizational networks; know-how developed in a production field leveraged upon also in other ones; international business development from socio-cultural perspectives; these are the topics outlined in the workshop by the four presenting organizations.

Marco Dell'Osso, Strategic Marketing Manager in Futura, (manufacturer of converting machinery for the tissue paper industry) has outlined concepts and practices of Industry 4.0 by pointing out the features of the latest projects the company is developing and utilizing and that it will develop in the future. 

Stefano Bortoletto, coordinator of the 'Club Tecnologia e Passione' has illustrated the characteristics and purposes of this club of companies belonging to several fields and driven by common goals of innovation focus going also beyond technology into socio-cultural fields.

Nicola Scimeca and Mario Saccone, founders of Ycom have outlined how a company specialised in developing prototypes and services within the highest echelon of global Motorsport, has potential and capabilities (because of the unique technological and cultural characteristics of the field) to develop rapid and efficient innovation to the benefit also of other industrial sectors. 

Pierpaolo Vannucci, founder of firm Vannucci e Associati (part of an international network of Chartered Accountants and business development, MGI) has illustrated the development of a project bridging Italian technologically driven socio-cultural know-how in a progressive country as Morocco. 

Overall the workshop, moderated by Riccardo Paterni co-founder of Synergy Pathways,  has stimulated active interaction with the international audience and the many cultural, academic and professional perspectives present have stimulated analysis and debates. As part of the workshop process the companies have also strengthen their relationship of cooperation with the MBA network and the students have been offered opportunities to actively know about the companies the companies unique projects already.


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