Relevant international stage for Qarrar Firhand’s talent development supported by MindUP Enhancement Psychology ® integrated mental training

Our sister company "Mind UP Srl" informs: 

"This past weekend it was held at the Lonato South Garda Karting track, Italy, the traditional Trofeo Delle Industrie: the oldest karting race that this edition has reached the 50th anniversary. This race alone, in itself, represents traditionally the very top of international karting in terms of drivers and technology. Lorenzo and Riccardo have followed Qarrar Firhand (Mini category, LA Motorsport Team, Parolin chassis, IAME engine) during the event racing activities. We have continued to implement Qarrar’s customized integrated mental training following MindUP Enhancement Psychology ® method and protocols.

Qarrar is progressively and markedly continuing his development path, more aware and self assured than ever, enabling the expression of his raising talent. Concrete results are naturally emerging from this: a spectacular, fun to watch for the passes, win during the heats path and consistently within the top six, that has been his solid result during the final.

It is a pleasure for us to work with such promising talent that since the very first steps of the method (during the assessment) has embraced the pragmatic approach (data driven, performance focused) that characterizes our protocols.

Overall the approach is also stimulating his progressive natural growth not only as a talented driver but also as a young person learning more about himself while having the spirited fun that characterizes his young age and development."

Pictures of the event at this link


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