Riccardo Paterni coordinates RPM Motorsport Network 3rd General Assembly
18 October 2023

The third general assembly of the year took place last October 18th at 10.30 am in the Sala Monza of the RPM operational headquarters in Casa Promotec. The majority of network members were represented in person, some of them in remote.

The agenda of the meeting focused on several internationalization business development activities that are upcoming during the next few weeks.

First of all we spoke about the organization of RPM presence at Professional Motorsport World in Cologne November 8-9. This year we were happy to have to expand  the reach of the stand in order to host 12 of the network companies that will be directly present. RPM is proud to represent truly represent the essence of its slogan in such important motorsport event: “Promoting innovation through Italian motorsport excellence”.

We then illustrated the presence of RPM at Futurmotive-MotorsportNext upcoming in Bologna November 16-18. RPM will have a stand there too (hosting info-points of 8 network members) and will co-organize a conference on the topic: “Motorsport, innovation through knowledge and skills transfer. The past, present and future from the agile perspective of small and mid-size enterprises”. Some of our network companies will also present their innovations at the Innovation Area within the trade show.

We pointed out the active work-in-progress relevant to internationalization activities regarding USA, Indonesia and India (for the latter the focus is not on motorsport, rather on the technically related aviation, defence and aerospace fields that RPM is increasingly focusing on).

We formally introduced the characteristics of a new service available for network members: a Legal Desk organized with Riccardo Giacomin founding partner of the law firm Bergs & More, Giacomin and the law firm have extensive experience within international motorsport racing and industry.

The results of an internal survey were then illustrated in order to set up shared action plans of development for the network and the way it generates value of its members. Such plans regarding networking, collaboration and communication are already underway in many ways, also focusing on the internal newsletter that highlights and stimulates common projects among RPM members.

At the end of the assembly we enjoyed a light lunch, Italian style, while continuing interesting networking conversations.


(more pictures available at this link)


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