Seminar at the University of Pisa - Chemistry Department - Introduction to Leadership, Management and Communication in Organizations
28 September 2017

A seminaron the topics of 'Communication, Management and Leadership', held by Riccardoat University of Pisa - Chemistry Department (Chemistry for Industry and Environment) on March 28th, promoted by the Master in Technology Management within the Paper and Cardboard Industry @mastercarta.lucca

It is interesting and revealing to note that increasingly technical Depermemts find relevant the introduction and development of relational and human capital skills among their students. By now those skills are in fact recognized as essential to fully value and express individual and group talent within the context of any discipline.

It is always very interesting, and a learning experience in itself for everyone, to participate to such events because the topics debated are perceived and elaborated by inquisitive minds trained from different perspectives. Besides, overall, these seminars represent an additional way to bridge a contextual gap between the academic world and the organizational one. Students can threasure these introductions (and their developments) to present themselves at best to prospect employers (and within technical and technological fields Italian companies are in constant search of new talents too).


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