Riccardo Paterni takes part to events and meetings regarding vintage automotive and motorsport
31 October 2024

From October 24th through October 27th, Bologna Trade Shows area hosted 'Auto e Moto d'Epoca': the largest European fair dedicated to vintage vehicles which also saw among the exhibitors Pistal Racing and 4M, two companies that are part of RPM and which represented the network in this important context. Also present at the event were Riccardo Paterni for RPM and Monica Zanetti for Automotive Women Association (AWA).

An important fair for the sector and for the network
For years, 'Auto e moto d'Epoca' has been an important international event that brings together enthusiasts and professionals, testifying to an increasingly marked interest in the world of vintage vehicles.

The growth of the segment is also of strategic importance for RPM, which aims to position itself as a reference in this expanding niche relevant also to vintage racing. To confirm this commitment and the relevance that is recognized by the network by professionals, Riccardo Paterni was invited to moderate the event "Restoration and speed: technical culture and training for vintage racing mechanics", included in the context of the fair. Unfortunately, the meeting was canceled due to the tragic flood that hit Bologna. We are certain that in any case the event will be organized again, such is its importance in the context of the field. 

The expansion strategy in the vintage segment and a relevant visit
RPM's participation to 'Auto e Moto d'Epoca' is part of the project to strengthen the network in the vintage vehicle niche. In this regard, the meetings that took place during October with David Castelhano, a well known vintage professional from the USA introduced by Monica Zanetti, who visited the Motor Valley and met RPM members, was also significant. A valuable exchange of insights  in terms of experience and knowledge, which consolidates the network development process in the vintage segment, creating a bridge between tradition and innovation in the automotive world. Stay tuned for developments. 

(more pictures on these events and meetings at this link)


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