Italian SMEs companies go international. Practical pointers in a conference at the Lucca Chamber of Commerce.
14 March 2019

The Internationalisation Committee of the Lucca Provence CPAs Association has organised, together with the the Cassa di Risparmio di Volterra Bank, a conference by the Chamber of Commerce in Lucca focusing on practical pointers for Italian SMEs to develop business internationally.

The conference has been moderated by Stefano Biancalana. The focus on has been on: the necessary entrepreneurial and organisational mindset to tackle such projects (topic we focused on as Synergy Pathways, see slides pdf slides in attachment); Rodolfo Bertacca from PST Consulting focused on the latest opportunities generated by digital e-commerce focusing in particular on China; Pierpaolo Vannucci from Vannucci & Associati focused on how to understand and utilise public funding for internationalisation; Gabriele Aringhieri and Leonardo Rossi from the Cassa di Risparmio di Volterra Bank, focused on practical ways utilised by the bank to side and support their clients during internationalisation; finally Pietro Riccomini from Bionautura shoes illustrated their company case-study of international development towards India that as Synergy Pathways we have contributed to develop together with Vannucci & Associati.

It has been a pleasure to participate to the event and notice such level of interest from various companies, representing various economic fields, in continuing to assert the Made in Italy value added across the globe. 



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