"Together we will overcome!" effective management strategies during and post COVID-19
27 May 2020

Riccardo Paterni has presented in a relevant webinar (more then 1500 people following and interacting live) of the series organised by Cifa Italia federation to share data, information and knowledge via the web production "Il lavoro continua" ( works endures ) during and post the pandemia.

Together with Chiara Meret ( Researcher Organizational Topics and Labor Relations - La Sapienza University Rome) and Lorenzo Baldassarri ( Functional Psychologist and Therapist ), Riccardo has focused on key topics of organisational identity, involvement and commitment in order to consistently generate the creative and innovative lasting effective solutions needed in this time of marked global complexity and change. 

This is the first webinar of a new series by the above mentioned production that has been organised in order to stimulate lasting change for the survival and growth of Italian Small and Mid Size Entrerprises that form the backbone of the national economy.

Watch the full webinar at the link below (webinar held in Italian language). 


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