INDIA: growth opportunities for Italian SMEs
08 July 2021

Today we have participated to this conference with a presentation focusing on an overall overview of the Indian market opportunities for Italian SMEs. The conference has been broadcasted live in streaming and it is available at the Direct Link here below. 

The presentation contents are available at the file in attachment and focus on the following topics:

Part 1: Why India: an overall view

Part 2: Some key sectors to focus on for SMEs

Part 3: Advantages of doing business in India

Part 4: Challenges of doing business in India

Part 5: The Italian and Indian cultural synergy

Part 6: Taking care of the crucial 'last mile' factor

We thank the organisers, the Camera di Commercio Italo Orientale and the conference introduction of Puglia Region Internationalization Area along with the Indian Chamber of Commerce in Italy

We also thank our colleague Daniele Ferretti from Ferretti Firm for integrating our presentation through a specific focus on forms of Direct Investment in India for Business Development.

We look forward to providing concrete support to SMEs from the Puglia region and from all over Italy. Together we can identify opportunities for growth in India and ensure an effective operational and strategic management of the crucial 'last mile' that represents the key factor in turning opportunity in lasting mid to long term growth. 


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