Conference. E-Valley: the transition to electric in the land of motors
27 October 2021

Invited by Reinova we have participated to a conference held in Rimini (Italy) relevant to the current work-in-progress within the traditional Italian Motor Valley, deeply rooted land of motors, towards a new sustainable mobility. At the direct link below the program of the conference.

It has been enlightening to realize in how many ways institutions, companies, universities and professionals are cooperating in order to channel the traditional creativity and competencies towards the new era characterized by change, challenges and opportunities shaping a sustainable economic and social growth driven by synergies.

Quite timely and intriguing a book (in Italian) written and presented by Massimo Degli Espositi by the title "E-Valley: volti e storie della terra dei motori" (E-Valley: portraits and narratives from the land of motors) featuring several companies case studies pointing out the dynamics and innovation originating from a land traditionally rich in creativity and competencies to technical challenges.

As Synergy Pathways we are proud to contribute to the fulfilling the potential of these rising opportunities in many ways: focusing on generating and facilitating synergies among companies, institutions and universities  at the national and international level; facilitating and promoting RPM Motorsport network business development activities; ensuring innovative ways that enable the full consistent expression of talent through our program MindUp- Enhancement Psychology


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