RPM General Counsel in Maranello, hosted by Andreoli & Co. Srl
19 September 2019

On 19th September 2019 RPM had its second organisational General Counsel after the one held in Rome last April. The meeting was hosted at the headquarters of Andreoli & Co. Srl , a RPM member, in Maranello, the company has 36 years of experience spanning in designing, manufacturing and certifying components for motorsport, automotive and other strategic industries such as energy and the aerospace sector ( www.andreolisrl.com ). We thank Andreoli for their kind hospitality; it has been a pleasure to visit their facilities and gain a first hand feel for the breadth and depth of their projects.

Almost all of the current RPM members (coming from all over Italy) were present to continue to empower in action plans RPM’s vision and mission. Besides administrative and bureaucratic work on the agenda (current fiscal year budget report and approval), the focus of the meeting has been to review the characteristics and development of the RPM website (released last July www.rpm-italia.org in all of its functional and organisational characteristics) and on ways to expand national and international business networking in the field of motorsport and other technologically related sectors.

RPM presence to upcoming and future international trade shows and events has been discussed and defined in action plans. The focus on ongoing development of international relations in geographical areas and sectors suitable for growth has also been debated.

It has been pointed out that the core of the development of the network and its members resides in establishing a stronger reciprocal knowledge enabling the strengthening of ties already present among members and establishing new ones within the network and towards external entities.

The focus has to be on identifying and sharing at best the own unique competencies channelling them at best in order to pursue international business development and continue to pursue innovation projects. Specific organisational programs on this subjects are in preparation and will be implemented. Related to these purposes a survey has been approved for data and information gathering customised to tailor at best RPM and its members development needs. Upcoming entering members to RPM have also been announced. Stay tuned for updates relevant to all of the activities.


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