RPM's Third General Assembly, wishing Happy Holidays and Prosperous 2020 !
19 December 2019

On December 19th 2019 at Autotecnica Motori SRL headquarters (Casalmaggiore, Cremona) was held RPM’s Third General Assembly. Representatives from nearly all of the member companies were present inclusive of representatives from Kineton SRL , a company that we warmly welcome as a new member.

It was a very involved meeting focusing on relevant development topics also stimulated by the results and presentation of the first business and organizational survey undertaken within RPM.  The gathered data and information showed that the network has a marked potential for growth linked to generating stronger strategic and operational synergies among members. The focus of development branches already from motorsport to other sectors such as automotive, defense, aviation and aerospace; areas that represent already sources of active and progressively growing business for some members.

Through synergies among members, RPM can concretely act to establish and reinforce the development of business relations with original equipment manufactures, international institutions and diplomatic routes relevant to foreign countries that are investing in specific technologies.

During the assembly was also introduced a training program that RPM is organising with the Italian National training fund Fonarcom : it will entail a specific customised focus on identifying and developing strategic organizational competencies relevant to small and medium  size enterprises operating in motorsport in order to improve organizational efficiency and stimulate concrete pathways to knowledge transfer towards other sectors and opportunities.

The RPM member survey also stimulated conversation regarding the administrative and pooling benefits (possible to utilise because of the legal administrative status of RPM) that can be explored and implemented in order to: reduce costs (mostly related to commodity products and services shared by companies) and in order to take advantage at best of financial tools personalised to the needs of growth of Small and Medium Enterprises.

Also discussed was a calendar of international events for 2020 in which RPM will be actively present. The first one of these events is the forthcoming (January 9-12 2020) Autosport International event in Birmingham in which some RPM members will have trade stands while RPM representatives, Riccardo Paterni and Dr Tim Angus will be working to introduce RPM to UK institutions, such as the Motorsport Industry Assciation and the Silverstone Technology Cluster. In addition, RPM has also arranged a dinner on the Thursday evening for RPM members in attendance at the show, together with members of Coventry University's Centre for Business in Society, which incorporates key individuals with world leading motorsport industry research expertise, including Professor Nick Henry and Dr Tim Angus, together with Dr Kevin Broughton. RPM has close linkages with Coventry University and aims to build on these as it seeks to develop its international linkages and academic networks to support the aims of the organisation.

At the end of the meeting members took a tour of Autotecnica Motori SRL headquarters and workshops; a very modern, technologically advanced and spotless facility once again representing a proud display of Italian deeply rooted expertise in competition engines. A perfect setting to celebrate the holidays and to wish to everyone a happy and prosperous 2020.

Additional pictures relevant to the general assembly at this link.


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