The essence and benefits of MindUp introduced in an interview with 'Talk!' by Toscana Economy
30 July 2021

The Synergy Pathways team, after years of fine-tuning in the making, is proud to expand the breadth of its services with an innovative program originating from the motorsport field and set to innovate the way we all seek excellence in the expression of the very best of individual potential in sports and in the workplace: MindUp, Enhancement Psychology is officially launched, visit MindUp website to learn more about the origins, developments and applications of the program.

MindUp is an example of Motorsport Industry knowledge transfer and it is also utilised in Synergy Pathways' Motorsport Academy. 

What is MindUp?
Who is it for?
What are the benefits it generates?

The answers to these questions in this interview (see Direct Link below, interview in Italian) with the co-founders of MindUp, Enhancement Psychology: Lorenzo Baldassarri and Riccardo Paterni


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