The Innovative Editorial Project Italia Economy is launched as an innovative Start Up
Posted by Riccardo Paterni on 02/04/2022

The Innovative Editorial Project Italia Economy is launched as an innovative Start Up

Current uncertainties and turbulences are unselling the way we see the future and make decision, this article contributes to bring some clarity to our thinning.

(MIT Sloan Review)

After months of bureaucratic work in progress and technical fine tinting,  finally ITALIA ECONOMY is launched as an innovative startup. It fatures an innovative editoria project focusing on stirring up social and economic growth and sustainability debate in original inclusive value creating ways. Riccardo Paterni (in the picture with Davide Trane, project co-founder and publisher) is the Project Business Developer and also overall Coordinator of the Emilia Romagna issue of the project. Stay tuned for news and updates...