
02/12/2017 - Driverless technology: a startup made a difference to GM
#CruiseAutomation is the #startup that #GM bought last year and that is currently making a marked difference in boosting #driverless technology and its applications #fasttrackbookArticle from...
30/11/2017 - Local-to-Local Anew International Business Development Dimension
#PostGlobal , Going to a “Local-to-Local” Approach. Sometimes.  Do we have the tools to refresh a #localtolocal approach to business in a more productive and meaningful way to #valueadding ?...
30/11/2017 - The Hydrogen Rise in Automotive
Battery electric vehicles are making headlines, but #fuelcells are gaining momentum—with good  reason. Hydrogen could play a vital role in the renewable-energy system and in future #mobility ....
28/11/2017 - Management Dynamics from the Fastest Global Startup ...
Inside the World's Fastest #Startup : #HaasF1 , America's #Formula1 Racing Team Very interesting and articulated interview to #GuentherSteiner its #teamprincipal : a perspective ...
27/11/2017 - Divergent Thinking and Innovation
#Hierarchy of #Needs for #Innovation & #DivergentThinking . A very intriguing way to have an overall view of innovation development, teaching and learning about #creativity and the kind of...
26/11/2017 - F1 Logo Rebranding Rationale
The new #Formula1 #logo is part of a very articulated overall #rebranding strategy supposedly targeting in a marked way a new untapped #fanbase that adds to tradition. It is a matter of  #global...
24/11/2017 - Managing people across cultures
#managingpeople is strictly linked to #culturalmindset & upbringing; the regional still overpowers global in this
23/11/2017 - Leveraging on intrapreneurship
Seeking #Intrapreneurs  even within the ‘protected walls’ of a company, there is a key way to think and act in order to achieve this.Full article
As second part to the article (the previous is at this link) there are three aspects to point out: 1) the global dynamics context opportunities related to SMEs rooted in Motorsport, 2) along this way...
20/11/2017 - Getting familiar with data analytics access
People have cognitive and processing constraints in accessing effectively and efficiently  #data and #analytics ; #artificialintellingence tools can be concrete powerful solution to this, more...
19/11/2017 - Leadership within the emerging Industry 4.0 needs
#Industry40 Leaders ’ #Educational Requirements--A New Focus on #Leadership An unavoidable, empowering, effective and efficient integrating view of technology and people's managementLeadership at...
19/11/2017 - Adrian Newey's ; his life in parallel with F1 technology developments during the last few decades
#AdrianNewey ‘s autobiography and a top level racing car technical development analysis all in one fascinating #book #motorsport #fasttrackbookA full review of the book by MOTORSPORT magazine
16/11/2017 - Diversity and its value in teamwork. A cognitive study perspective
From a #pragmatic technical perspective it has been shown how #diversity is an asset in teamwork #effectiveness & #productivityAn HBR video
15/11/2017 - BMW M8GTE the first BMW Motorsport IMSA bound
#BMWMotorsport #M8GTE in partnership with #RLL is the first one USA #IMSA bound . Let’s follow the developments...
15/11/2017 - The many sources of mobility innovation
12/11/2017 - Going digital globally with some 'leapfrog effects' ...
#TheEconomist #IntelligenceUnit has put together a withe paper on the state of the overall digital integration (present and projected future); there a very interesting findings ... WhitePaper Report
09/11/2017 - Silicon Valley ongoing legacy
#siliconvalley 's secret for development and enduring growth is ingrained on a high standards challenging grassroots #entrepreneurialculture . This entrepreneurial culture focuses on focusing...
07/11/2017 - Gordon Murray's technological 'artwork' (Formula 1 and beyond)
Gordon Murray has been for a couple of decades the key reference technical genius in Formula 1 and his creativity has been utilised by McLaren to develop its unique production line. Recently an...
05/11/2017 - Purpose and Strategy; a fine integration balance
Organizational #purpose is the #drivingforce yet if it blinds #strategy unavoidably it will be lost causing troubles in execution and #businesssustainability . Effective and ineffective case studies...
03/11/2017 - Innovation is a matter of mindset
An #innovativemindset goes beyond a fixed one and even a #growthmindset : it focuses on new ways to perceive things and seek feedback in order to #explore and #learn . Constant learning becomes an...
03/11/2017 - Red Bull Racing's talent management flaws surface
#Talentmanagement programs can represent an actual development of talent as well as a crushing of careers; the #RedBullRacing drivers’ #program for years has shown exactly these dynamics. Recent...
30/10/2017 - India's challenging path to economic progress
An index that shows the 'ease of doing in business' on a global scale has recently portrayed a marked improvement leap for #India . This would seem to attest that the relevant policies changes...
29/10/2017 - Italy as a historical core of industrial clustering
#Bologna and its centuries old #clusters represent a dynamic way to #innovate ; for example it is very interesting to notice how (centuries ago) a #machinery innovation developed in #Lucca got...
29/10/2017 - Freelancing: its uncertainties and opportunities. A global survey
Interesting #globally widespread research on #freelancing Some of the findings are revealing as for example realizing that the USA have the lowest percentages in the workforce; does it mean that in...
26/10/2017 - VW in search of the electric PR competitive success in the USA
#Electric #Volkswagen to take on #PikesPeak . Good #PR badly needed for the brand in the US after #dieselgate #fasttrackbookElectric Volkswagen to take on Pikes Peak
25/10/2017 - Real life journalism; made it possible?
#virtualreality can take us literally (from a perception point of view) into the facts relevant to news. Once this is implemented the impact on #feelings relevant to what is narrated is possibly...
25/10/2017 - Reigniting the power of meaningful conversations
#Ideo with its #designingdialogue platform is trying to #reignite a sense of #meaningful #conversations ; it is a technological effort set to drive constructive interactions, yet the face-to-face...
22/10/2017 - Toronto unique innovation hub
In #Toronto the #MaRS #DiscoveryDistrict is becoming a unique #innovationhub entangling both #social and #entrepreneurial policies. A project to follow closely ...In depth article
19/10/2017 - Sports to Apply Analytics to Any Organizational Process
This is quite interesting and, because of rapidly expanding varieties and applications of biomedical tools, it could have a progressive impact also on other sports and from there positively affect...
18/10/2017 - Ferrari F1 organizational challenges and opportunities
Weeks ago we have shared some considerations regarding a unique and effective way that #Ferrari #F1 begun to utilise to manage its talents . Now, while facing slippery...
15/10/2017 - Estonia as laboratory for a powerful widespread digital technologies applications
#digitalization #blockchain #cryptocurrency , they represent overall technologies for marked disruptive changes in a country that possibly can implement them more rapidly than others because of its...
12/10/2017 - Learning how to use analytics from the world of sports
Organizations, any organization, has generates plenty of data; said that, #analytics still struggles to become part of active management actions. A look at the way that #sports use data to improve...
10/10/2017 - New Innovative 'Master in Automotive' starting up with the Team Building Module
New #innovative University project that I am honored to be part of with the start-up module. #MASTER IN #AUTOMOTIVE #ENGINEERING and #PRINCIPLES OF #MANAGEMENT For further information and a listing...
09/10/2017 - The Italian Motorsport industry - 3,4 billion euros annual turnover
Statistics on the size of a country's motorsport industry are very hard to come by. Most of the research on the scale and scope of the global motorsport industry has been produced and summarised by...
09/10/2017 - Once again biometrics and Motorsport go 'hand in hand'
Once again #biometrics finds the perfect testing place in #Motorsport and #F1 in particular. It is all applied research certainly useful on track and that at the same time will help to develop...
08/10/2017 - Change management implemented: the concrete way
A relevant widespread research regarding #changemanagement and its key factors to leverage upon has pointed out that regard the level of #involvement and #commitment on it present at all levels of...
06/10/2017 - Jack Ma and the LQ leverage
#JackMa is one of the most #creative thinkers (and doers) of our time; once again he is making popular a concept that according to him is set to become increasingly more relevant than the traditional...
The field of high performance engineering, with a particular focus on the ones that relate to the Motorsport Industry, are going through global technological and business development changes. The...
03/10/2017 - A real entrepreneur from last century; a 70 years old enterprise ...
#Ferrari history is not simply a matter of #motorsport and racing; it is a powerful #entrepreneurial path that still represents some valuable lessons in #businessdevelopment . No doubt Enzo Ferrari's...
02/10/2017 - Once more: why diversity is so relevant in teamwork
#Cognitive #Diversity Helps #Teams Solve Problems Faster #proplemsolving #effectivness . Even psychological studies point out the value of diversity when managed with awareness and method...
29/09/2017 - Translation goes much beyond language
At the following link a very interesting article pointing out the fact that beyond a channel of #communication #language represents the key foundation of the sharing of a context of cultural...
28/09/2017 - Motorsport Industry. What can be next ,..
#motorsport is going through many changes that no doubt are linked to the powerful and wide spreading rise of #digitaltechnology  (with direct implications both on track and off track in terms...
24/09/2017 - The key role of the Facilitator
The role of the #facilitator is beginning to be valued within organizational meetings as a way to maximize effectiveness and efficiency in #teamwork ; yet it can have much broader reach within many...
23/09/2017 - As tough as it gets? ...
A F1 driver #mental and #physical arguably can represent the very top of combined capabilities yet to achieve #topperformance the integrated mix of #talent and #experience is essential too. There...
21/09/2017 - The effectiveness of unleashing the power of 'going with the flow'
#improvising can be perceived as #unprofessional or sign of #incompetence yet it may be a key ingredient to deal with the technical, social and even economic complexities of today ......
19/09/2017 - Roborace seeking an effective business model?
This is an interesting development within a #motorsport series that totally has still to gain its credibility and appeal. No many top drivers have been wanting to get involved into business ventures....
15/09/2017 - Performance in organisations? Overall fitness is key ...
The concept of #OrganizationalFitness to the challenging dynamics of the market is by now established and well know: it is a matter of survival. The concept of #EmployeesFitness pointed out in this...
10/09/2017 - What Liberty Media is innovating commercially for F1...
This AUTOSPORT Plus article, by the title 'Why Formula 1 fans revolution is coming' features a very interesting in depth review with #SeanBratches , Commercial Chief of #LibertyMedia #F1 project, on...
08/09/2017 - More time for what really counts to develop business ...
Are #artificialintelligence , #robotics , #automation , #machinelearning and other #digitaltechnologies going to enable a higher focus on #humanrelationships leveraging on #emphaty , or is the...
05/09/2017 - Toyota's third way
This is an extremely interesting well researched article focusing on how the concept of #ContextualAdaptation in manufacturing systems represents the way to channel at best the mix of #productivity ...
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